
Plaintiff's Exhibit List for Summary Judgement

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Plaintiff's Additional Statement of Undisputed Material Facts

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Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Dismiss

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Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Renewed Motion for to Dismiss for Lack of Standing

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Plaintiff's Exhibits for Summary Judgment

Ex. 1 - Mead's Letter of Offer

Ex. 2 - Thomas Letter to Trustees re JAM Offer Letter

Ex. 3 - Trustees' Acceptance Letters

Ex. 4 - Board Mtg Minutes 6.22.1914

Ex. 5 - Board Mtg Minutes 12.18.1914

Ex. 6 - Mead's Acceptance 1.13.1915

Ex. 7 - Pres. to Vt Marble 2.22.1915

Ex. 8 - Rogers to Pres. 2.24.1915

Ex. 9 - Offer Memo - Mead to Trustees

Ex. 10 - Pres to Partridge 3.1.1915

Ex. 11 - Pres to Rogers 3.1.1915

Ex. 12 - Board Mtg Minutes 4.14.1915

Ex. 13 - News - Organ Ordered for MMC Aug 1915

Ex. 14 - Mead No 4 - East Elevation (Front of Chapel)

Ex. 15 - Mead No 19 - Main Entrance Doors under Portico

Ex. 16 - Mead Chapel Plans - misc group 1

Ex. 17 - Mead Chapel Plans - misc group 2

Ex. 18 - Offer for Chime of Bells by Mead 6.21.1915

Ex. 19 - Board Mtg Minutes 6.23.1915

Ex. 20 - News articles- Chime of Bells 1915

Ex. 21 - News - Bells Delight Many 1.7.1916

Ex. 22 - Meneely Bell Company 1915

Ex. 23 - Photos of Chime of Bells - 2024

Ex. 24 - Pres & Mead re Cornerstone, Bible box, sod

Ex. 25 - Program Groundbreaking & Cornerstone Ceremony

Ex. 26 - Photos Groundbreaking & Cornerstone Ceremony

Ex. 27 - Mead's Speech & Presentation of Cornerstone

Ex. 28 - Barton's Acceptance Speech obo Trustees

Ex. 29 - Prof. Wright's Address obo Faculty

Ex. 30 - News re Groundbreaking & Cornerstone

Ex. 31 - Boston Transcript 4.8.1915

Ex. 32.- News Articles - Dedication Ceremony June 1916

Ex. 33 - Mead's Dedication Speech June 1916

Ex. 34 - Brainerd's Acceptance Speech obo Trustees June 1916

Ex. 35 - News articles - MMC Dedication June 1916

Ex. 36 - 1916 Kaleidoscope dedicated to Mead

Ex. 37 - Mead-Thomas Corr re plans, specs, contracts, costs 1914-17

Ex. 38 - Mead Memorial Chapel Booklet - correspnd

Ex. 39 - The Hymnal of Praise - Mead Memorial Chapel

Ex. 40 - Hymn Boards pd by Mead 1916

Ex. 41 - Mead's 1,000 donation to endowment fund 1918

Ex. 42 - Board Mtg Minutes 1920 - Tribute to Mead

Ex. 43 - Pres Thomas to Hinsman re back marble wall 1920

Ex. 44 - Hinsman to Pres. Moody re MMC spire

Ex. 45 - Pres. Moody to Mrs. Hinsman 5.8.1931 - Spire repair

Ex. 46 - Pres. Moody to Mrs. Hinsman 7.20.1937 - Adding Galleries

Ex. 47 - 1987 Chime of Bells inscription order

Ex. 48 - Photos of Mead Memorial Chapel and sign

Ex. 49 - The Community House, Rutland 1919-20

Ex. 50 - Pearsons Hall - 1908-10

Ex. 51 - McCullough Gymnasium 1910

Ex. 52 - “Hepburn Dormitory”

Ex. 52 - Hepburn Dormitory 1915

Ex. 53 - Gifford Memorial Hall 1939

Ex. 54 - Acceptance of Gifford Hall 10.31.1940

Ex. 55 - Map & Index of MC Buildings 2017

Middlebury's Statement of Undisputed Material Facts

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Motion for Summary Judgment Defendant

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Defense's Exhibit List for Summary Judgement

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Defendant's Reply in Support of Summary Judgment and Dismissal

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Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Statement of Additional Undisputed Material Facts

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